Quantum Stuff #7
Wave functions

This week we will be exploring a more difficult branch of science which is actually fundamental and important to the concept of quantum physics. To understand wave functions we have to understand the wave-particle duality. A particle is like a baseball. By looking at its velocity (speed) you can say where it is at any given time. However a wave is different. Imagine two ropes being brought up and down simultaneously. There is no definite place where the wave is. The wave-particle duality states that rather than a particle travelling along a definite path, it is distributed though space like a wave. The classical idea of trajectory is therefore replaces by a wave which can be defined as a wave function shown as ψ.The wave function determines the probabilities related to the particles position, momentum and other physical properties. So if you have one of the properties of the particle you would have to do some rather difficult mathematical; operations on the wave function to find the probability.The probability shows that you can never be sure as to what will happen despite the fact if you have the information on the particle. Wave function are used throughout quantum physics and features in the Schrödinger equation which we will be revisiting to analyse and explain in detail.Next week we will be looking at the Born interpretation which will come back to wave functions.
Keep Learning and Have a Great Day,
Quantum Mechanics Enthusiast,
Amira Ibrahim
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